Full Name: Navilis You Are My Life
Before we brought Luna in to our family, we thought we knew what a ‘velcro dog’ was. And all of our furry canine kids who love to be with us as much as possible. But Luna actually places her chin on me if I stay in one place for very long. It matters not whether I am standing or sitting. It is because of this that I never have to wonder where she is. Velcro dogs are a wonderful thing! Luna and her littermate Lily came to us from the Ukraine well before the unrest with Russia. Not only are they sisters, they are also best friends. The light coloration of their haircoats and similar facial features, along with their easy going temperaments made these two girls nearly indistinguishable when they first joined our family. But as with all parents of children, furry or not, we know without a doubt who is who. Of course, the microchips helped us early on with this 🙂